Before getting into the discussion of the data page, let’s explore a few key terminologies for better understanding.
Memory is just like a human brain to store information/data.
We will have a few friends who will tell us what they did for us at the age of 2 when we are at the age of 30+😲. They tend to have good memory power. On the other hand, we will have a few friends who will forget what we did for them last week😞.
In the same way, System has two types of memory using which we can access data.
Permanent Memory
This type of memory will store the data in a storage space, which can be retrieved whenever required. Typically, it is a database [Oracle, SQL, Postgresql].
Temporary Memory
Temporary memory will hold the data only for a specific time period.
Rules can be referred from temporary memory [Rule Cache] & Data can be referred from temporary memory [Clipboard].
Why Temporary Memory?
Pega uses the Clipboard Page as temporary memory. Let’s compare the below two diagrams to see the usage of temporary memory [Clipboard] in terms of data retrieval.

When there is no temporary memory, every time when information is required, a DB call happens to fetch the data which is very expensive.

When there is a temporary memory, the first time DB call happens to fetch the required information and sets the data in the temporary memory [Clipboard]. Subsequent calls will refer to the data directly from the clipboard.
What is a Page?
Let’s take a famous book Ponniyin Selvan written by Kalki. This book has approximately 2300 pages. Each page in the book has the actual information/data about the story. In the same way, each page in the clipboard has the actual data needed for processing. Pega has categorized pages in the clipboard into different types,
- User Pages – Top-level clipboard pages created using activity rule. These pages are specific to thread.
- Data Pages – Our hero of the post. We will see this later 😎.
- Linked Property Pages – pages created through linked properties. These pages are specific to thread.
- System Pages – pages created by Pega to maintain system & session related information. We can refer these pages, but, we can’t create any System page.

User pages, Linked property pages & system pages are gone from memory in the following situations,
- When the user logs-off the session.
- When the requestor session times out.
- When the thread is closed or becomes in-active [not applicable for System pages].
Why Data Page?
Few data in the application will be required more frequently. It will be good if we maintain a single copy of data that can be referred whenever needed.
Can the User page satisfy this need? – No 😒
User pages are specific to thread and become inactive when we close the thread. Hence Pega provides Data Pages, which can be reused across a thread, a requestor or multiple requestors (node level) based on the configuration.
What is a Data Page?
- Data page is a clipboard page that can be shared across a thread, a requestor or multiple requestors (node level).
- Data page rule is an instance of Rule-Declare-Pages and is available under Data Model in Records Explorer.
- Data pages are loaded when it’s first referenced during execution.
- Data pages can be parameterized.
- Data pages can be reloaded/expired based on the configuration defined.
- Data Pages always starts with the prefix “D_“ or “Declare_”(legacy). Data pages are informally called as DPage.
How to Configure a Data Page?
- Similar to other rules in Pega, the New Rule form of Data Page accepts Name, Class & Ruleset Version.

- Data Page configuration is simple when you know the actual purpose of each of the fields. Let’s quickly see the usage of each,

This tab of the Data page rule has 3 main sections,
- Data page definition
- Data sources
- Post load processing
Data page definition
This section of the data page has most of the configurations which describes how the data page is in clipboard.

- This defines the mode of the data page. Possible modes of a data page can be Page & List [Page List].
- The list structure data page provides an additional option to configure keyed access. Keyed page access is one of the data access patterns available in Pega which can be seen in detail in a separate post.

Object type
Each page in the clipboard will have a class context. For Example, the OperatorID page is of class Data-Admin-Operator-ID, pxRequestor page is of class Code-Pega-Requestor. In the same way, each data page in the clipboard belongs to a class and this field holds that class name.

This field decides where exactly the data page will be shown in the clipboard. It can be Read-Only, Editable & Savable.
- Read-Only– The data page of this mode will be used only for referring data. We can’t update the information on this data page. It can be modified only during loading or in Post processing activity. Read-Only data pages can be seen under the Data Pages category in the clipboard.

- Editable – The data page of this mode can be used for referring the data as well as it can be updated on the fly using Activity, Data Transforms, etc. This mode of data page works similar to User Pages and can be seen under the User pages category in the clipboard.

- Savable– The data page of this mode can be used to persist information directly into the database. We can explore the Savable Data page in detail in a separate post. These modes of data pages are similar to User Pages and can be seen under the User pages category in the clipboard.
High Throughput
This option is applicable only if the mode of the data page is Read-only.

We can improve clipboard performance in data page loading by enabling this option. Enabling this is recommended when the data is going to be static and used repeatedly. For Example, a data page to hold the list of Countries.
When this option is enabled, the below feature will not be supported in Data Page.
- Declarative rules.
- Page messages.
- Complex property references [Property-Ref].
- Saving pages to a database.
Lightweight clipboard mode
This option is applicable only if the mode of the data page is Editable.

We can improve clipboard performance in data page loading by using the Lightweight clipboard mode option.
When this option is enabled, the below feature will not be supported in Data Page.
- Properties referencing a data page.
- Linked properties.
- Change tracking for property value updates in the user interface
Let’s see the below architecture before defining scope.

The scope of a data page can be Node or Requestor or Thread.
- If a data page is defined with node-level scope, then all the requestors & its related threads (BROWSER, APP, BATCH, PORTAL) running in the same node can share the same data page.
- Node level data pages can only be of mode Read-Only.
- If a data page is defined with requestor level scope, the threads active in that requestor can access the same data page.
- Requestor level data pages can be of mode Read-only, Editable and Savable.
- Thread level data pages are similar to user pages. If a data page (having case-related information) is defined with thread-level scope, it can be accessed multiple times by the same thread without having it to reload.
- Thread level data pages can be of mode Read-only, Editable and Savable.
For Example: Assume that you have launched a Case manager portal and opened multiple cases in a series of tabs. The cases opened in each tab runs in a new thread. If a data page having case-related information is defined with Thread level, It can be reused by the same case multiple times. If a data page is defined with the Requestor level, then all the cases opened in each tab can access the same data page.
Data sources
This section gives us an option to configure the actual source of our data page.

- We can select any of the available sources based on the structure of the page and load the data page.
- We can also have multiple sources for a data page and decide on those conditionally using a when rule.
- Only Activity of type Load Data Page can be used as a source of data page when Activity is selected as the source type. The activity type can be changed under the security tab of the activity rule.
Post load processing
- We can’t ensure that we always have the required data readily available to us. There might be a situation where we should manipulate information based on the results.
- Post loading activity that we specify here will be used to perform any custom manipulations on the results.
Load Management
- This tab of the data page rule is more important as the configurations available here ensures that the data is up-to-date.
- Load management is only applicable when the mode of the data page is read-only.
Page Management
- This option is most likely used by the developers when they want to manually remove/flush the data page from the clipboard.

- We can refer the below-mentioned function in an activity/data transform to remove all instances of the data page from the clipboard irrespective of the parameters.
@(Pega-RULES:DeclarePages).pzDeleteAllInstancesOfDeclarativePage(tools, “D_XXXXXXXXX”)
Load authorization
- This section is only applicable if the scope of the data page is Node.

- Requestor and Thread level data pages use the application context of the logged-in user. Node level data page is outside of the requestor context and hence the application context will be decided based on the access group provided in this field.
Refresh Strategy
This section enables us to define a mechanism using which the data on the page remains up-to-date.

Reload once per interaction
- Enabling this option will freshly load the data page whenever it is referred. Careful consideration is required before enabling as this may cause a huge performance issue.
- This option is available only when the data page is of scope Thread or Requestor.
- When selected, the system ignores any values in the Reload if older than and Do not reload when fields at run time.
Do not reload when
- We can also control the refresh strategy of the data page using a when rule.

With this configuration, during data page reference, the system validates if the customer is in-active. If yes, the data page will not be refreshed else, it will be refreshed.
- This option is available only when the data page is of scope Thread or Requestor.
Reload if older than
- We can make a data page reload based on the time duration in Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds.

- When the data page runs for the first time, it sets the cache with the expiration time based on the configuration.

- The next consecutive data page calls will check if the expiration time has reached or the page is stale. If yes then reloads the page, else fetch the values from the existing page.

Page limits
- This option is most recommended when the data page is of mode read-only with scope as Requestor or node.

Limit to a single data page
- This option is only available when the data page has at least one parameter defined. This can be seen in the later part of the post when we discuss the parameters tab.
Clear pages after non-use
- This option when selected forces the system to delete the clipboard instances of the data page after an interval passes with no access. Subsequent attempts by a requestor to access the data pages cause the pages to reload.
- The time interval until it waits is defined in the DSS DeclarePages/DefaultIdleTimeSeconds. This value will be used to expire the page. By default, DSS value is set to 86400 seconds or one day.
- we can adjust the value of the DSS based on our needs.
Similar to other rules in Pega, data pages can be parameterized. Parameters defined in the data page define the actual data on the page.

Parameter values can be used in conjunction with the settings limit to a single data page in the load management tab.
- When the limit to a single data page is enabled, the system only maintains the latest instance of the data page in the clipboard.

- When the limit to a single data page is not enabled, the system maintains all the instances of the data page in the clipboard.

Let’s create a data page for a real time business scenario to understand it better.
Business Scenario:
Consider OSP Organization has an HR Onboarding application. Candidates can apply for a job via the company’s site or via Naukri. Candidate details are available in OSP’s database if candidates use Company’s site and in the external system if they use the Naukri site to apply for a job.
Let’s now see how we can configure a data page to fetch candidate information conditionally based on the application source.
D_CandidateDetail – To get the Candidate detail from either local data table or from an external source via a connector.
Step 1: Goto Records Explorer -> Data Model -> DataPage -> Create

Step 2: We can change the data page definition if needed. As per our requirement, cases are created for each candidate, hence, the Scope should be Thread and Structure should be page. Since we are just going to display the candidate details, we can choose the Mode as Read-only.
Step 3: Configure the data source to get a candidate detail from the candidate table. To do that, we can use the lookup option and provide the class name with the key parameter passed.

Step 4: Once the data page to load data from the Data table is configured, we can add another source to load data from service.

Step 5: Create Data Source provided in each Source is to configure the new Source. In our scenario, we can create a Connect Rest by configuring it. Creating a connect rest will be covered in our future post.
Once the Connector rule is ready, we can choose the connect rule and configure its Request and Response Data transform as mentioned below.

Note the highlighted classes, since the class of the connector and class of the data page are different, it’s mandatory to provide Response data transform to map the data from the int layer to the Data layer.
Login as HR and select a Candidate ID to view the information. The Source of the profile selected here will be conditionally used in the data page.

Since the selected source is the OSP site, the data page loads the result using a lookup.

Unit Testing
Data page can be unit tested directly by running it stand-alone in the designer studio. We can also trace a data page run to see the DB operations, cache hits, etc.

Now we are at the end of the post. We have covered most of the basic concepts of data pages in this post. We can explore the below features of the data page in our continuation post.
- Error handling in Data Page.
- Asynchronous Data Page.
- Declarative page cache.
- Savable Data Page.
- Keyed page access in Data Page.
Stay tuned for our continuation post 😎
Also unit testing means I thought guys u will explain pega it cases. It is misleading guys.
You can expect a separate post soon on Pega Unit Testing from us.
Stay tuned and Happy learning from OSP 😊
Good Explanation
Thank you so much @Neeraj.
Happy Learning from OSP 😊
Guys it would have been given a different information rather than looking like pdn help if below things were explained guys. Just my opinion:
1) syntax of calling data pages by passing proper parameters from rules like data transform.
2) unit test case of data page
3) activity methods like load-datapage specific to data page
4) what happens in the backend
5) whitelist to facilitate offline config for mobile app
6) debugging through sma
7) talking about access pattern or atleast linking ur previous articles like sor
8) how data page syncs between nodes
1) syntax of calling data pages by passing proper parameters from rules like data transform. – This post focus on how to configure the Data page. This will be covered when we explain in detail about data page usage in our next post.
2) unit test case of data page – We will handle this in a separate post.
3) activity methods like load-datapage specific to data page – This is an asynchronous data page which we said we will explain in our continuation post. Just go through our article completely before commenting.
4) what happens in the backend – We explained about data page cache in this post, not sure if you have seen that. When we explain the asynchronous data page, we will explain in detail on the back-end execution with pool id.
5) whitelist to facilitate offline config for mobile app – This was never in our scope. These are less realistic topics which are our least priorities. We are planning to bring up guest blogging soon. If you are interested, you can give us an article on this offline capability.
6) debugging through sma – No SMA in v8. Be up-to-date.
7) talking about access pattern or atleast linking ur previous articles like sor – This is already linked in our article. Not sure if you have gone through our article completely.
8) how data page syncs between nodes – Data pages never sync between nodes. Not sure where did you gather this information.
Can we change the scope of a Datapage from Requestor to Node, which is already in Production environment. If yes, what are the steps that we need to consider?
1) Is the data is requestor specific or most frequently changing data, then strictly not in Node level.
We would not recommend doing that in PROD, but if you have a proper justification then nothing stops from implementing that. Please make sure you follow the below items when doing the change
1) Make sure you have a proper refresh strategy when you have scope as node. This ensures the data is up-to-date.
2) Make sure you manually flush all the existing instances of the data page in PROD after deployment [Clear data page in Data Page rule].
3) Make sure you clear the declarative page cache of the particular data page rule. you can use the below PegaAPI to clear the entire declarative cache in a node.
Thank you for the steps. My intention was to inform that Datapage is in production now, not to do the change in prod 🙂
I will try doing these steps in Dev.
We even meant the same. Changing the data page in DEV which is already in PROD.
Our bad, for not putting it in proper words.
Make the changes in DEV and let us know of any issues you face. We will be happy to help you out anytime😊
Nice post team, very informative.
I have a query below:
What would be the difference between Response Data Transform and Post load processing function, if we want to manipulate the data we can do it any of the above approach right?
Response Data Transform – Can be used for simple data mapping and other manipulations.
For Eg,
Concatenating First Name, Last Name.
Mapping custom properties to the page/list.
Post Load Processing can be used to perform some complex manipulations that can’t be done using Data transform.
For Eg,
Notifying administrators on the execution of the data page.
Mapping a custom property in the page/list which needs to be fetched from an external system.
1) Response Data transform becomes mandatory when Data page object class and data source class are different.
2) Usage of Post Load processing is not recommended until and unless it’s really required.
For node level scope we need to give access group to load, if that data page is needed by two or more access groups what should we give there.
We don’t think its an ideal scenario.
But then we can have one Batch Access Group created with required applications as built-on and configure it to the node level data page.
Is there any way we can source data type into a text input . I know we can source from data type in a table. The format I am looking for is, in first screen I will give customer id, in second screen , I will populate the customer details from data type based on id.
Excellent. I like the example Ponniyan selvan 🙂 you guys love the language it seems. appreciated
From today I become a big fan of Page. Here have all that I need.
Thank you
Thank you so much!
Happy Learning from OSP 🙂
Hi Team,
If we specify different access group for Node level Data page, and user with another Access Group can access the Node level Data page?
Very good articles.
how to find size of datapage in MB present in clipboard
It seems that when parameterizing a list data page we may even need to parameterize the source of the data page also unlike for Page Structure data page…. otherwise it is returning all items…. Please confirm or comment…. hoping that you might be already aware of the same …